
The WEbdEXManagerV3 contract, part of the WEbdEX protocol, is a Solidity-based smart contract that serves as a management hub for users of the Botmoney platform and their interaction with various DeFi strategies. This document provides a comprehensive understanding of its structure, functionalities and purpose.

Solidity Version and License

solidityCopy code// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

The contract adheres to the MIT license and is compatible with Solidity version 0.8.18.


The contract imports key functionalities from the OpenZeppelin library, a standard in secure smart contract development.

solidityCopy codeimport "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "../utils/NFT.sol";

Interface IWEbdEXPassV3

It defines an external interface to interact with user pass information, including pass expiration and free trial status.

Contract Structure

Key Structures

  1. Bot: Represents a bot entity with attributes like name, token, wallet, and seller.

  2. User: Stores information about users, including their manager and status within the platform.

  3. Register: A structure to keep track of registered users and their associated managers.

  4. Display: Used to display comprehensive user information.


The contract emits a Transaction event to log significant activities such as user registration.


Initializes the bot entity and sets up the contract with necessary parameters like bot details and external contract addresses.


  • onlyWebDexStrategiesOrOwner: Ensures that certain functions can only be called by the contract owner or the specified WEbdEXStrategiesV3 contract.

Public Functions

  1. changeWEbdEXStrategiesV3: Allows the owner to update the address of the WEbdEXStrategiesV3 contract.

  2. registerInBot: Enables users to register themselves in the bot, associating with a manager if specified.

  3. getUserInfo: Provides detailed user information for the caller.

  4. getUserInfoByWallet: Fetches user information based on a given wallet address, restricted to the owner or WEbdEXStrategiesV3 contract.

  5. getBot: Returns information about the bot.

  6. getRegisters: Retrieves a list of all registered users and their managers.

Internal Functions

  • _getUser: A utility function to compile and return user information in a structured format.

Security and Permissions

Inheriting from Ownable, the contract ensures that critical functionalities like updating strategy contract addresses are reserved for the contract owner. This approach ensures that the platform's integrity is maintained while allowing for necessary updates and management actions.

Fund Management

Notably, the contract does not include functions for the owner to withdraw or transfer user funds, aligning with best practices in DeFi for user asset security.


The WEbdEXManagerV3 contract is a multifaceted management tool within the WEbdEX ecosystem. It plays a crucial role in maintaining user data, managing registrations, and ensuring smooth interaction with the WEbdEXPassV3 and WEbdEXStrategiesV3 contracts. Its design prioritizes security, user autonomy, and efficient platform management.

Last updated